Why Us?

Choosing a marketing firm in today's market is complicated. We believe there are 5 reasons to choose us.


Five reasons why you should consider choosing Cyrid Media as your marketing partner:


 We are Custom.

Our marketing strategies are customized to your company’s need and not limited to a template used for your industry. Our recommendations are impartial and not tied to a declining legacy revenue stream like many local media outlets are offering today.

Cutting Edge

 We are Cutting Edge.

Our advanced digital ad solutions are 10 years in the making , and positions our clients light years ahead of their competition the moment they retain our services. We deliver the right digital ad tactics to reach customers at the bottom of the sales funnel at the exact moment of consideration and conversion for our clients.


 We have Experience.

We’ve been merging traditional media with advanced digital ad tactics since 2012.  We know how to use traditional media to increase reach at the top of the sales funnel, while using advanced digital ad tactics to target converters at the bottom of the funnel. Experience matters!


 We are Omni-Media.

We are the market leader in developing convergent marketing strategies for clients.  We deploy traditional, digital and social ad tactics in unison with each other: to maximize reach on all devices and mediums; to avoid duplication of impressions to the same audience;  and to improve ROI.


 We are Data-Driven.

Between having some of the brightest minds in the industry in-house, coupled with our partnership with best-in-class data providers, our  strategies are shaped by the constant incoming flow of data. We religiously monitor this incoming data in-house  to optimize against campaign KPI’s and ROI.